Monday 28 October 2013

In the Past People were Friendlier than we are today. Do you Agree or Disagree?

     In the past, people were friendlier than we are today.  I strongly disagree with this statement.  I disagree simply because I never lived in the past.  I know a lot of old people who lived in the past and they are nice, but I do not know if the people back then were a lot nicer.  The old people like my grandparents are the nicest people ever, but I don't know if they were like that 20 or 30 years ago.  I never really had the curiosity to ask if the people in the past were a lot nicer than the people now.  It never really crossed my mind.  I never found it important because to me people are nice enough and if they are not nice, I simply just block them out or completely avoid them.
     There are many types of people on this earth, fortunately for us more nice than mean.  In the past there were many wars and fights.  Sometimes country vs country, other times country vs themselves.  I do not know if people were nice or not back then, but what I do know is that people in the past did a lot of bad things.  An example of that is the Holocaust.  The Holocaust was an extermination of the Jewish people in certain areas of Europe, but mostly in Germany.  The extermination of the Jews were carried out by a group called the Nazis who was led by an Austrian leader by the name of Adolf Hitler.  What he did to the Jews and many other people left the world in shock and still today, many people have yet to forgive him or forget about what he has done.  This example clearly shows that people in the past did a lot more things that proved they were not nice than people today.
     The only thing that come close to the Holocaust in recent times would probably be the bombing of the twin towers.  On September 11, 2001 a couple of terrorist from Al Queda hijacked American airplanes and drove them straight into the World Trade Center or the Twin Towers in New York.  This incident caused the deaths of many people.  After this attack, Osama Bin Ladin, the leader of Al Queda, and the man behind the suicide attacks of the United States was placed on the United States Top Ten Most Wanted List.  What he did was completely unacceptable, but was nowhere close to what Hitler did to the Jews and many other different ethnic groups.  The fact that in the past Hitler had killed 11 million people proves, not that people in the past were not as nice, but that people in the past did a lot of things that were a lot worse than what us people do today.
      There are many nice people on this earth.  A person being nice is determined by how you define nice.  Whether it is if one opens a door for you, says hello, buys you a gift, treats you with respect, or sometimes even teasing you.  If someone is not nice to you, the best thing to do is be nice to them or just avoid them.  By being nice to them you give them a reason to be nice to you as well.  By avoiding what they say and do, you will not have to worry about them.  If someone thats mean sees you avoiding them, he will highly likely be avoiding you as well.  In my opinion i completely disagree that people in the past were alot friendlier than they are today simply because people in the past have done things that were unforgiving and completely unacceptable.

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