Monday 28 October 2013

What are three things that would make life perfect?

      In life there are many things that make people happy, but nothing really makes life perfect.  There is always something that keeps us from being 100% happy with life.  Family, friends, and life i general can make us as happy as we need to be, but there always seems to be something missing.  To me the things that would make life perfect do not exist physically or mentally in this world.  They are things that I know I will never have or I will never find out for the rest of my life and hopefully will when i die.  To me, the three things that would make life absolutely perfect would be knowing what comes after life, if God really does exist, and if are relatives and close friends that have passed are in better places.  These three things support the idea of getting closure.  Without closer, my life is full of curiosity and being scared because I do not know what happens after life and if anything happens at all.
     Some people believe in a second life, meaning after one dies one lives another life in another persons body.  They believe that they would completely forget about their past life and their spirit would follow into another body.  People that believe in this are usually those who are atheist.  An atheist is someone who does not believe in any religion.  There have been stories and myths that a spirit goes into another persons body and remembers there past life, but there is really nothing that can prove it.  I honestly do not believe in this myth.
     Knowing what comes after life would give me all the closure i need.  I believe in God and I believe there is a heaven, but there is no proof to that.  I have always pictured heaven as a place where there are no problems and no stress.  I always pictured it as a place one would like to take a vacation at.  Knowing if heaven came after life and God did exist would kill all the curiosity i have.  Knowing that there is a place after life and not just completely dissapearing from the face of the earth would complete life and completely make it perfect.
     The last thing is knowing if our relatives or close friends have passed are in better places.  I have lost many people in my life and I have always wondered if they were still alive would they be happy to be alive or would they have been happier dead.  Things like this have always crossed my mind and its something I would love to know.  Knowing that God exist, what happens after life, and knowing if our relatives and close friends that have passed are in better places now are things we can never know for the rest of our lives, making it the reason those are the three things that would make life perfect.

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