Guam is known to be one of the best spots to skydive in. Fortunately for me and the rest of the people of Saipan, Guam is only a 45 minute plane ride away! Skydiving has always been at the top of my to do list. The only thing that stopped me from doing it was my mom and myself. I've always wanted to try it, its just I was too scared because I am really afraid of heights. Now that I am 16 maybe my mom will start trusting me, and maybe I can actually start trusting myself. Skydiving once is easy. Doing it 10 times is way scarier and way harder. The first 2 or 3 times would probably be nerve wrecking, but that's what I like. I like the rush I get from doing dangerous stuff, that is what I live for. I have always wanted to feel an adrenaline rush as intense as skydiving. I want to feel that air blowing in my face. I always wanted to see the world in a different point of view or a birds eye view. I was born on Guam and seeing the island from a birds eye view while skydiving would be absolutely amazing. When I grow old, I want to tell my 16 year old son that when I was his age, I skydived 10 times on to the island of Guam.
My second new years revolution for the school year 2013-2014 would be to lose 15 pounds and gain back 10 pounds of muscle. In elementary school I was always the fat kid. A few summers ago, I decided that I didn't want to be the fat kid anymore so I worked out everyday and I ended up losing over 20 pounds. I felt better then I have ever felt. I was more confident in my self, for once I actually felt good about who I was. Now I want to feel even more confident in myself. I want to be ripped and big. I'm not one who believes in lifting weights at such a young age. Instead of lifting weights, I would eat healthier, do push ups and sit ups and do certain sports that would help with my resolution. I want to get involved in mixed martial arts. I believe that is the best way to get in shape and to get ripped. I have always loved watching mixed martial arts, but once I tried it I fell in love with it. MMA is a combination of all types of martial arts such as boxing, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, karate, judo, etc. To get the body I am looking for I would have to do about 100 pushups throughout the day, do 100 sit ups through out the day, and train in mixed martial arts at least 4 times a week. It may sound like a lot, but I know in the end, it will all be worth it.
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