If I were to have on superpower it would be to go back in time. I would pick that superpower because it would give me the ability to go back into the past and fix all the mistakes i made in the past. By changing the past, it would also change the present. I know, I am supposed to live life without regrets, but there is nothing more that I want than going back and change as much as I can. I would go back in time and correct every mistake I made as a person, a student, and a teenager. In the 8th grade I did a lot of thing I knew I should not have been doing. I smoked cigarettes at school and I was eventually suspended. For 5 days i stayed home and did absolutely nothing. I was not allowed to go out anywhere or talk to any of my friends, all I did was stay home and watched tv. I couldn't even do my homework because for 5 days every single assignment counted as a 0. I remember that whole year I worked hard to get those grades and I through it all away by doing something that was not even close to worth it. Not only was suspended, I also lost my reputation as a good respectful kid in the process. Everyone though I was a good, bright kid, but my getting suspended for doing something like that, my reputation turned around 360 degrees. It was like I was a totally different person. Everybody thought i was the bad kid and all the respect everyone had for me was gone. I knew that I didn't change as a person, I was just curious because face it at one point in our lives everyone becomes curious. At that age I was curious about smoking and drinking. I wanted to try it out, I never intended to smoke constantly. At the time I tried it I thought I was never going to get caught. I thought I could just try it and get away with it. Unfortunately for me and a few other people, someone told on us and we were suspended. I was mad at first, but then I really thought about it and me getting suspended was a good thing. It gave me a wake up call to never do something so stupid again unless I am of age.
It has been a little more than 3 years now and I still regret smoking on school campus because till today my reputation has still not fully come back. If I had the superpower of going back in time I would have never smoked and never have gotten suspended. That would have changed a lot of things in my life right now, but there is nothing I can do about it at the moment. People still see me as the bad boy or the bad influence, but all I can do is show everyone that I never changed and I am still that same guy everybody thought I was.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Should SIS allow students to use their cell phones during school day?
As a student in my opinion, SIS should allow their students to use their cellphones during the school day. Every other school on Saipan allows their students to use their phones for music as well as calling their parents. Cell phones are a very useful part of life. Today phones have built in wifi which gives us cellphone users access to the internet. The use of internet is important in school so why not use our phones to check out a website or to look up a vocabulary work. In some cases a student may have forgotten a book, notebook, or something important and he would have to call his parents so that they could bring him. Instead of walking all the way to the office from the high school, a student can conveniently pull out his cell phone and either call or text his or her mom or dad. The fact that students are not allowed to use their cellphones at any time of the school day without permission is pretty dumb. During lunch or free time a student should have some access to their phones to either listen to music or to look something up on their phone. Music can relax ones mind, and through our cellphones nowadays music is easily accessed with out cellphones.
If Saipan International School gave students the right of using their cellphones during class would be a lot more convenient. Anytime a student would need to look up something or text his or her mom he or she can pull out his or her cellphone without having it taken away by or teacher or getting detention. Maybe if students had access to their cellphones, teachers would see that we are not doing anything serious on our cellphones and it is just easier access to things that we essentially need.
Another reason why students at SIS should have access to their cellphones at anytime is to listen to music. In the middle of class it is understandable that students are not allowed to listen to music, but duriing break, lunch , or after school, students should have the right to listen to music. It is proven that music can relax and sooth ones mind and after a long test or a very long day, us students need nothing more than a little relaxation. In my opinion, students should be able to use their cellphones at any time of the school day at SIS. Unfortunately that will probably never happen for another 10-15 years.
If Saipan International School gave students the right of using their cellphones during class would be a lot more convenient. Anytime a student would need to look up something or text his or her mom he or she can pull out his or her cellphone without having it taken away by or teacher or getting detention. Maybe if students had access to their cellphones, teachers would see that we are not doing anything serious on our cellphones and it is just easier access to things that we essentially need.
Another reason why students at SIS should have access to their cellphones at anytime is to listen to music. In the middle of class it is understandable that students are not allowed to listen to music, but duriing break, lunch , or after school, students should have the right to listen to music. It is proven that music can relax and sooth ones mind and after a long test or a very long day, us students need nothing more than a little relaxation. In my opinion, students should be able to use their cellphones at any time of the school day at SIS. Unfortunately that will probably never happen for another 10-15 years.
What are three things that would make life perfect?
In life there are many things that make people happy, but nothing really makes life perfect. There is always something that keeps us from being 100% happy with life. Family, friends, and life i general can make us as happy as we need to be, but there always seems to be something missing. To me the things that would make life perfect do not exist physically or mentally in this world. They are things that I know I will never have or I will never find out for the rest of my life and hopefully will when i die. To me, the three things that would make life absolutely perfect would be knowing what comes after life, if God really does exist, and if are relatives and close friends that have passed are in better places. These three things support the idea of getting closure. Without closer, my life is full of curiosity and being scared because I do not know what happens after life and if anything happens at all.
Some people believe in a second life, meaning after one dies one lives another life in another persons body. They believe that they would completely forget about their past life and their spirit would follow into another body. People that believe in this are usually those who are atheist. An atheist is someone who does not believe in any religion. There have been stories and myths that a spirit goes into another persons body and remembers there past life, but there is really nothing that can prove it. I honestly do not believe in this myth.

Knowing what comes after life would give me all the closure i need. I believe in God and I believe there is a heaven, but there is no proof to that. I have always pictured heaven as a place where there are no problems and no stress. I always pictured it as a place one would like to take a vacation at. Knowing if heaven came after life and God did exist would kill all the curiosity i have. Knowing that there is a place after life and not just completely dissapearing from the face of the earth would complete life and completely make it perfect.
The last thing is knowing if our relatives or close friends have passed are in better places. I have lost many people in my life and I have always wondered if they were still alive would they be happy to be alive or would they have been happier dead. Things like this have always crossed my mind and its something I would love to know. Knowing that God exist, what happens after life, and knowing if our relatives and close friends that have passed are in better places now are things we can never know for the rest of our lives, making it the reason those are the three things that would make life perfect.
Some people believe in a second life, meaning after one dies one lives another life in another persons body. They believe that they would completely forget about their past life and their spirit would follow into another body. People that believe in this are usually those who are atheist. An atheist is someone who does not believe in any religion. There have been stories and myths that a spirit goes into another persons body and remembers there past life, but there is really nothing that can prove it. I honestly do not believe in this myth.
Knowing what comes after life would give me all the closure i need. I believe in God and I believe there is a heaven, but there is no proof to that. I have always pictured heaven as a place where there are no problems and no stress. I always pictured it as a place one would like to take a vacation at. Knowing if heaven came after life and God did exist would kill all the curiosity i have. Knowing that there is a place after life and not just completely dissapearing from the face of the earth would complete life and completely make it perfect.
The last thing is knowing if our relatives or close friends have passed are in better places. I have lost many people in my life and I have always wondered if they were still alive would they be happy to be alive or would they have been happier dead. Things like this have always crossed my mind and its something I would love to know. Knowing that God exist, what happens after life, and knowing if our relatives and close friends that have passed are in better places now are things we can never know for the rest of our lives, making it the reason those are the three things that would make life perfect.
In the Past People were Friendlier than we are today. Do you Agree or Disagree?
In the past, people were friendlier than we are today. I strongly disagree with this statement. I disagree simply because I never lived in the past. I know a lot of old people who lived in the past and they are nice, but I do not know if the people back then were a lot nicer. The old people like my grandparents are the nicest people ever, but I don't know if they were like that 20 or 30 years ago. I never really had the curiosity to ask if the people in the past were a lot nicer than the people now. It never really crossed my mind. I never found it important because to me people are nice enough and if they are not nice, I simply just block them out or completely avoid them.
There are many types of people on this earth, fortunately for us more nice than mean. In the past there were many wars and fights. Sometimes country vs country, other times country vs themselves. I do not know if people were nice or not back then, but what I do know is that people in the past did a lot of bad things. An example of that is the Holocaust. The Holocaust was an extermination of the Jewish people in certain areas of Europe, but mostly in Germany. The extermination of the Jews were carried out by a group called the Nazis who was led by an Austrian leader by the name of Adolf Hitler. What he did to the Jews and many other people left the world in shock and still today, many people have yet to forgive him or forget about what he has done. This example clearly shows that people in the past did a lot more things that proved they were not nice than people today.
The only thing that come close to the Holocaust in recent times would probably be the bombing of the twin towers. On September 11, 2001 a couple of terrorist from Al Queda hijacked American airplanes and drove them straight into the World Trade Center or the Twin Towers in New York. This incident caused the deaths of many people. After this attack, Osama Bin Ladin, the leader of Al Queda, and the man behind the suicide attacks of the United States was placed on the United States Top Ten Most Wanted List. What he did was completely unacceptable, but was nowhere close to what Hitler did to the Jews and many other different ethnic groups. The fact that in the past Hitler had killed 11 million people proves, not that people in the past were not as nice, but that people in the past did a lot of things that were a lot worse than what us people do today.
There are many nice people on this earth. A person being nice is determined by how you define nice. Whether it is if one opens a door for you, says hello, buys you a gift, treats you with respect, or sometimes even teasing you. If someone is not nice to you, the best thing to do is be nice to them or just avoid them. By being nice to them you give them a reason to be nice to you as well. By avoiding what they say and do, you will not have to worry about them. If someone thats mean sees you avoiding them, he will highly likely be avoiding you as well. In my opinion i completely disagree that people in the past were alot friendlier than they are today simply because people in the past have done things that were unforgiving and completely unacceptable.
There are many types of people on this earth, fortunately for us more nice than mean. In the past there were many wars and fights. Sometimes country vs country, other times country vs themselves. I do not know if people were nice or not back then, but what I do know is that people in the past did a lot of bad things. An example of that is the Holocaust. The Holocaust was an extermination of the Jewish people in certain areas of Europe, but mostly in Germany. The extermination of the Jews were carried out by a group called the Nazis who was led by an Austrian leader by the name of Adolf Hitler. What he did to the Jews and many other people left the world in shock and still today, many people have yet to forgive him or forget about what he has done. This example clearly shows that people in the past did a lot more things that proved they were not nice than people today.
The only thing that come close to the Holocaust in recent times would probably be the bombing of the twin towers. On September 11, 2001 a couple of terrorist from Al Queda hijacked American airplanes and drove them straight into the World Trade Center or the Twin Towers in New York. This incident caused the deaths of many people. After this attack, Osama Bin Ladin, the leader of Al Queda, and the man behind the suicide attacks of the United States was placed on the United States Top Ten Most Wanted List. What he did was completely unacceptable, but was nowhere close to what Hitler did to the Jews and many other different ethnic groups. The fact that in the past Hitler had killed 11 million people proves, not that people in the past were not as nice, but that people in the past did a lot of things that were a lot worse than what us people do today.
There are many nice people on this earth. A person being nice is determined by how you define nice. Whether it is if one opens a door for you, says hello, buys you a gift, treats you with respect, or sometimes even teasing you. If someone is not nice to you, the best thing to do is be nice to them or just avoid them. By being nice to them you give them a reason to be nice to you as well. By avoiding what they say and do, you will not have to worry about them. If someone thats mean sees you avoiding them, he will highly likely be avoiding you as well. In my opinion i completely disagree that people in the past were alot friendlier than they are today simply because people in the past have done things that were unforgiving and completely unacceptable.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
My Favorite Super Hero
My favorite superhero is Spiderman. Spiderman is a a hero from his own movie and television show, Spiderman. Spiderman is capable of spewing out spider webs out of his hands. His webs are able to cling onto buildings and towers which gives him the ability to hop from one building to another with ease. When Spiderman was young, he was a normal boy living his life. One day he went into a lab and he was bitten by a spider. He thought it was just a normal spider bite and it would not affect him at all that much. A few days later Spiderman noticed that his hands looked like a web. He noticed that he could shoot spider webs out of his hands and use it to take advantage of the villains that tried to hurt him or the comminuty. Spiderman was a hero to his girlfriend Mary Jane and also to the community and his beloved city. Spidermans arch nemasist was Venum. The two clearly hated each other. Venum would always kidnap Spidermans girlfriend and always cause problems in the city. You can look at it as if Spiderman was the good guy who everyone liked and Venum was the bad guy who always caused trouble and everyone disliked greatly.
Spiderman is my favorite super hero because in the end he gets his girl and they fall in love. Also ever since I was a little kid i loved playing with spiders, so once my parents showed me Spiderman the movie, I immediately fell in love with the character Spiderman as well as the movie. He is also my favorite hero because of his special abilities. Other heroes like Superman and Batman can fly and go really fast in cars. Spiderman can shoot spider webs out of his hands and climb on to buildings. By shooting webs out of his hands it gives him an ability to do something pretty similar to flying. What is so special about Spiderman is he is a normal person, but when danger strikes, his skin turns red and a mask forms around his head. He is one of the very few super heroes who start out as normal people then become a hero then turn back to a normal person after the job is done. He is very special.
When i was a kid i had a Spiderman costume, a Spiderman lunch box, a Spiderman towel, a Spiderman wallet, a Spiderman water bottle, and i even had Spiderman blankets and pillow cases. I guess Spiderman was my favorite because he was the first super hero i really liked. As i get older i started liking heroes like Iron Man and Superman because they were much more high tech and they just looked a lot cooler. Iron Man had the cool outfit and had the humongous house and the hot girlfriend and the nice cars and all the nice stuff. He was also played by one of my favorite actors which made me like Iron Man a lot more. Superman always had the nice logo, I just disliked him because he wore an underwear outside of his costume. When i was young i thought that was completely lame and boring, but now as I grow older i start to see those things as humorous and enjoyable. Becoming old will not change who my favorite super hero is. Spiderman is still and always will be my favorite super hero of all time, unconditionaly
Spiderman is my favorite super hero because in the end he gets his girl and they fall in love. Also ever since I was a little kid i loved playing with spiders, so once my parents showed me Spiderman the movie, I immediately fell in love with the character Spiderman as well as the movie. He is also my favorite hero because of his special abilities. Other heroes like Superman and Batman can fly and go really fast in cars. Spiderman can shoot spider webs out of his hands and climb on to buildings. By shooting webs out of his hands it gives him an ability to do something pretty similar to flying. What is so special about Spiderman is he is a normal person, but when danger strikes, his skin turns red and a mask forms around his head. He is one of the very few super heroes who start out as normal people then become a hero then turn back to a normal person after the job is done. He is very special.
When i was a kid i had a Spiderman costume, a Spiderman lunch box, a Spiderman towel, a Spiderman wallet, a Spiderman water bottle, and i even had Spiderman blankets and pillow cases. I guess Spiderman was my favorite because he was the first super hero i really liked. As i get older i started liking heroes like Iron Man and Superman because they were much more high tech and they just looked a lot cooler. Iron Man had the cool outfit and had the humongous house and the hot girlfriend and the nice cars and all the nice stuff. He was also played by one of my favorite actors which made me like Iron Man a lot more. Superman always had the nice logo, I just disliked him because he wore an underwear outside of his costume. When i was young i thought that was completely lame and boring, but now as I grow older i start to see those things as humorous and enjoyable. Becoming old will not change who my favorite super hero is. Spiderman is still and always will be my favorite super hero of all time, unconditionaly
Sunday, 22 September 2013
7 deadly sins
Out of the 7 deadly sins i am GUILT. Guilt is doing something, then after you do it you get this feeling of sad regret and sin. For example, if your mom asks you something and u tell her a lie, later on that day you will eventually feel guilty. I am not the best son in the world. Now and then i tell her a lie to get away with something i should not have done. I lie about things like not having homework or going somewhere I am not supposed to be. Sometimes i lie to her about my grades. She would ask how i did on my test and i would tell her i did really well when i knew for a fact i totally flunked the test or quiz. Out of the 7 deadly sins i am guilt because it is what i feel the most from lieing, cheating, and doing something i should not even be doing.
Another reason i am guilty is because i do something i should not be doing. For example, if i tell my mom I am going to my friends house and i go to a party instead i get this feeling of guilt. Guilt feels like crap. It is one of the worst feelings in the whole world. I feel as if i have let someone down and for doing that i have hurt that person. I am not one to hurt someone emotinally and mentally, and even sometimes physically. Guilt feels as if someone is pushing you to do the right thing, but you cant because it is already over with. Its terrible because you cant take back what you did. That is the worst part about feeling guilty. Its already over with.
Guilt is the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty
Another reason i am guilty is because i do something i should not be doing. For example, if i tell my mom I am going to my friends house and i go to a party instead i get this feeling of guilt. Guilt feels like crap. It is one of the worst feelings in the whole world. I feel as if i have let someone down and for doing that i have hurt that person. I am not one to hurt someone emotinally and mentally, and even sometimes physically. Guilt feels as if someone is pushing you to do the right thing, but you cant because it is already over with. Its terrible because you cant take back what you did. That is the worst part about feeling guilty. Its already over with.
Guilt is the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Trip to Peru
Throughout my thrilling life, I have been on many fun, life changing trips to France, Belgium, the United States, Japan, Korea, Palau. One of my favorites and probably the most best experiences was my trip to Peru in South America. The summer after my sophomore year in high school, our school took a trip to Peru. A teacher at our school is originally from Peru, and every other year she takes high school students to her lovely home country. We all had so much fun thanks to her. Everyday she went out of her way just to make sure we had fun. Going to Peru was my first time being in South America and I am so glad Peru was the first. The trip was a fantastic experience and literally life changing. Out of the 20 people that went on the trip, everyone said they had enjoyed the trip so much. A few other teaches accompanied us on the trip and they turned out to be very cool. Everything about that trip was amazing. I had a lot of fun.
While we were in Peru we visited many different parts of the country. We literally stayed in 7-8 different hotels around the country. That is how many places we went to. It was tiring, but every single time it was worth it. We spent countless hours riding on a bus. The longest bus ride we took was about 16 hours. That was the only bad part about the trip, other than that everything else was perfect. We visited Lima, which is the capital city, Puno, Cuzco, and Macchu Picchu. My favorite part of the trip was all the sight seeing. Machu Picchu was probally my favorite out of all of them. All the ruins were absolutely beautiful and when we finally got to the top, the view was breath taking. I had never seen anything like that before. You look down and all you see are the Incan ruins from thousands of years ago. You look up and you see mountains covered in clouds. It was perfect, literally. We walked down to check out all the ruins and they were actually pretty interesting. We saw how and where the Inca people lived. It started to rain, so it got super cold and we eventually had to leave and head back to the hotel and call it a day.
On our trip we also went river rafting and zip-lining. They were both pretty exciting and they got my adrenaline rushing. We also tried alpaca meat. I wasn't a big fan of it, but it wasn't that bad. One of the better activities we did was sand boarding. We were literally in a desert and we would board down the huge hill of sand. It was amazing. It was pretty similar to snow boarding, but i enjoyed it more in the sand.
Towards the end of our trip, we visited the children's hospital in Lima, Peru. The hospital was full of kids that had mental, physical, and even emotional dissabilities. I was assigned to a room with four young children who were all around the age of 8 and 9. One of them had a tumor in his brain which caused his eyes to be pure red. Another kid had his legs removed from a severe burn. I made cards with all four of the kids and they seemed to enjoy my company. Putting a smile on their faces was the best feeling in the world. We played board games and sang songs with each other and when it was time to say goodbye, they all shouted my Spanish name, Juan Carlos, and waved goodbye. Seeing these children and all the misfortune they had in their lives really made me realize how lucky i am and how thankful i should be for everything that i have. Being to that hospital made me appreciate all the little things. My favorite trip could not have ended any better.

While we were in Peru we visited many different parts of the country. We literally stayed in 7-8 different hotels around the country. That is how many places we went to. It was tiring, but every single time it was worth it. We spent countless hours riding on a bus. The longest bus ride we took was about 16 hours. That was the only bad part about the trip, other than that everything else was perfect. We visited Lima, which is the capital city, Puno, Cuzco, and Macchu Picchu. My favorite part of the trip was all the sight seeing. Machu Picchu was probally my favorite out of all of them. All the ruins were absolutely beautiful and when we finally got to the top, the view was breath taking. I had never seen anything like that before. You look down and all you see are the Incan ruins from thousands of years ago. You look up and you see mountains covered in clouds. It was perfect, literally. We walked down to check out all the ruins and they were actually pretty interesting. We saw how and where the Inca people lived. It started to rain, so it got super cold and we eventually had to leave and head back to the hotel and call it a day.
On our trip we also went river rafting and zip-lining. They were both pretty exciting and they got my adrenaline rushing. We also tried alpaca meat. I wasn't a big fan of it, but it wasn't that bad. One of the better activities we did was sand boarding. We were literally in a desert and we would board down the huge hill of sand. It was amazing. It was pretty similar to snow boarding, but i enjoyed it more in the sand.
Towards the end of our trip, we visited the children's hospital in Lima, Peru. The hospital was full of kids that had mental, physical, and even emotional dissabilities. I was assigned to a room with four young children who were all around the age of 8 and 9. One of them had a tumor in his brain which caused his eyes to be pure red. Another kid had his legs removed from a severe burn. I made cards with all four of the kids and they seemed to enjoy my company. Putting a smile on their faces was the best feeling in the world. We played board games and sang songs with each other and when it was time to say goodbye, they all shouted my Spanish name, Juan Carlos, and waved goodbye. Seeing these children and all the misfortune they had in their lives really made me realize how lucky i am and how thankful i should be for everything that i have. Being to that hospital made me appreciate all the little things. My favorite trip could not have ended any better.

Sunday, 18 August 2013
It Is Better to use Your Knowledge and Experience to Solve Problems than ask Other People for Advice
In my opinion, i 100% agree with the the thesis. It is better to use your own knowledge to solve problems rather than asking others for advice. First of all, by using your own knowledge to solve problems you learn to become independent and learn to stop depending on other people for help. Learning to depend on yourself and not on other people is a sign of maturity. Learning to be an independent person can benefit you in the future when your mom and dad are not there to give you advice or to tell you what to do and what not to do. It is better to learn and experience early and use what you have learned when you grow up and there is no one there for you. The second reason why using your own knowledge is better than asking other people for advice is because you can learn from your mistakes. If you do something on your own and it turns out to be bad or wrong, you eventually learn from it and hopefully never do it again. You can learn how to trust yourself and not depend on other people. Learning to trust yourself is a key to a successful future.
By becoming and independent person, a person can learn to do things on there own. I'm not saying that doing everything by yourself is good. Sometimes a little advice from someone once in a while is good. When you are completely lost and hopeless, it is best to get help or advice. When it comes to doing homework it is best to use your knowledge. We go to school and learn for a reason. That reason is to use what we have learned. When we are young we tend to ask our friends or our parents for the answers to a question or for money. As we grow older we learn that we don't that have that option. If we ask other people for advice or answers to a question when we are young, when we go to college we would be lost and not know what to do. Our parents won't be with us in college to tell us what to eat and what not to eat. By using your own knowledge we get used to doing things on our own, which shows a sign of maturity. Part of being an adult is learning to trust in yourself and learning to depend only on yourself.
By using your own knowledge instead of asking other people for advice you can learn from mistakes. If you get a question wrong on your homework or on your classwork you will learn what you did wrong and probably will never make the same mistake again. If you just ask a classmate for the answer to a problem you will never learn what is wrong and what is right. You will get so used to relying on someone for answers throughout middle school and high school that when you get to college and the real world you wouldn't know what to do. You'll realize that your friends are not there to tell you their answers and you'll regret not doing things on your own. You'll regret not trying to learn as much as you possibly could. You'll be so used to relying on someone to be there for you and when it gets time to find a job and pay bills you wouldn't know what to do. By doing things on your own you'll learn how to trust yourself and realize that you won't need your mom or dad or your friends for anything anymore.
By becoming and independent person, a person can learn to do things on there own. I'm not saying that doing everything by yourself is good. Sometimes a little advice from someone once in a while is good. When you are completely lost and hopeless, it is best to get help or advice. When it comes to doing homework it is best to use your knowledge. We go to school and learn for a reason. That reason is to use what we have learned. When we are young we tend to ask our friends or our parents for the answers to a question or for money. As we grow older we learn that we don't that have that option. If we ask other people for advice or answers to a question when we are young, when we go to college we would be lost and not know what to do. Our parents won't be with us in college to tell us what to eat and what not to eat. By using your own knowledge we get used to doing things on our own, which shows a sign of maturity. Part of being an adult is learning to trust in yourself and learning to depend only on yourself.
By using your own knowledge instead of asking other people for advice you can learn from mistakes. If you get a question wrong on your homework or on your classwork you will learn what you did wrong and probably will never make the same mistake again. If you just ask a classmate for the answer to a problem you will never learn what is wrong and what is right. You will get so used to relying on someone for answers throughout middle school and high school that when you get to college and the real world you wouldn't know what to do. You'll realize that your friends are not there to tell you their answers and you'll regret not doing things on your own. You'll regret not trying to learn as much as you possibly could. You'll be so used to relying on someone to be there for you and when it gets time to find a job and pay bills you wouldn't know what to do. By doing things on your own you'll learn how to trust yourself and realize that you won't need your mom or dad or your friends for anything anymore.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
My Favorite Metaphor of Love
My favorite metaphor of love has to be "She swept me off of my feet." The metaphor, she swept me off of my feet is being compared to nature. A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word is compared to another object or action which is not applicable. For example love can represent a hurricane, storm, wind, tornadoes, or a flood. Love can be compared to a lot of things, but one of the most common things it is compared to is nature and the world. In my opinion the term she swept me off of my feet means that the love that this individual felt for this girl had a strong enough that figuratively blew him off of his feet. It pretty much means that the love felt from an individual was very lust. It can also mean that someone has fallen in love with someone deeply and instantly. I believe when someone says she swept me off my feet it leans toward falling in love with her instantly instead of later on in the relationship.
I relish the metaphor she swept me off my feet because it is more of a short term love instead of something that last forever. It is short term because figuratively a persons love can blow by you and sweep you off your feet, but literally gravity will pull that person right back down. This metaphor refers to more of a girl friend boyfriend type of love while many others like "she is a part of him" refer more to the husband and wife type of love or relationship. At this age, marriage is way out of the picture, which is why my favorite metaphor is "she swept me off of my feet."
Being young is not the only reason why she swept me off my feet is my favorite metaphor of love. Another reason is because it can be compared to nature, and i absolutely love nature. I am fascinated and motivated by nature. I love hiking and going to the beach. I also like camping and riding on boats after a long day and the best feeling in the world is cold wind blowing on your sunburnt skin. Being swept of your feet by love can be compared to being swept of your feet by wind. One is realistic to a certain degree and the other is literally impossible which makes the term she swept me off my feet a metaphor. Being swept of your feet can also be compared to a storm or a tornado. Again one is realistic, the other is not.
Nature and being young is not the only reason why she swept me off of my feet is my favorite metaphor of love. Another reason is because it is usually instantly and deep. I believe in love at first sight and in my opinion, she swept me off of my feet is the way to put love at first sight in to words. Falling in love instantly means that there would be no need for waiting on anything. For example, instead of a person trying to do everything he or she can to impress his or spouse, there would be no need for that since there is already instant love. Love at first sight is hard to put in to words and i my opinion she swept me off of my feet is the best way to describe it.
Love is special. Not everybody finds loves and an even smaller amount of people find it instantly after meeting another person, which makes the metaphor "She swept me off of m feet" my favorite metaphor of love.

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I relish the metaphor she swept me off my feet because it is more of a short term love instead of something that last forever. It is short term because figuratively a persons love can blow by you and sweep you off your feet, but literally gravity will pull that person right back down. This metaphor refers to more of a girl friend boyfriend type of love while many others like "she is a part of him" refer more to the husband and wife type of love or relationship. At this age, marriage is way out of the picture, which is why my favorite metaphor is "she swept me off of my feet."
Being young is not the only reason why she swept me off my feet is my favorite metaphor of love. Another reason is because it can be compared to nature, and i absolutely love nature. I am fascinated and motivated by nature. I love hiking and going to the beach. I also like camping and riding on boats after a long day and the best feeling in the world is cold wind blowing on your sunburnt skin. Being swept of your feet by love can be compared to being swept of your feet by wind. One is realistic to a certain degree and the other is literally impossible which makes the term she swept me off my feet a metaphor. Being swept of your feet can also be compared to a storm or a tornado. Again one is realistic, the other is not.
Nature and being young is not the only reason why she swept me off of my feet is my favorite metaphor of love. Another reason is because it is usually instantly and deep. I believe in love at first sight and in my opinion, she swept me off of my feet is the way to put love at first sight in to words. Falling in love instantly means that there would be no need for waiting on anything. For example, instead of a person trying to do everything he or she can to impress his or spouse, there would be no need for that since there is already instant love. Love at first sight is hard to put in to words and i my opinion she swept me off of my feet is the best way to describe it.
Love is special. Not everybody finds loves and an even smaller amount of people find it instantly after meeting another person, which makes the metaphor "She swept me off of m feet" my favorite metaphor of love.
My Favorite Metaphor of Love
My favorite metaphor of love has to be "She swept me off of my feet." The metaphor, she swept me off of my feet is being compared to nature. A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word is compared to another object or action which is not applicable. For example love can represent a hurricane, storm, wind, tornadoes, or a flood. Love can be compared to a lot of things, but one of the most common things it is compared to is nature and the world. In my opinion the term she swept me off of my feet means that the love that this individual felt for this girl had a strong enough that figuratively blew him off of his feet. It pretty much means that the love felt from an individual was very lust. It can also mean that someone has fallen in love with someone deeply and instantly. I believe when someone says she swept me off my feet it leans toward falling in love with her instantly instead of later on in the relationship.
Monday, 12 August 2013
My name is Christopher Lee Cepeda. I was born in Guam on the year 1996. Right now i am currently 16 years old. I am about 5 feet 8 inches tall. I was born in Guam, but i was raised and currently reside in the island of Saipan. I am a nice, kind, and fun teenager whose always up to do anything dangerous and interesting. I attend Saipan International School which I have been at for almost 13 years now. I am half chamorro and half korean, but the only language i can speak is English. My favorite school subject is History. Even though I get good grades, school is not my favorite thing. I hate waking up every morning just to go to school. I love to sleep, and i rather sleep the whole day rather than attend classes.
My favorite type of music is Rap and Hip Hop. Some of my favorite artist are Drake, Kid Ink, Chris Brown, Mike Posner and many more. I usually listen to music before a game, when I am studying, or when i write blogs. I love listening to music. I feel like i can get away from all the bad things in life and just forget it for a little bit when i listen to some music. Music also calms my nerves before a basketball or volleyball game, which is always necessary. Not only can it calm your mind and your nerves, music inspires me and gives me ideas for my blogs. I love Rap and Hip Hop, but i also listen to a lot of different music.
Another thing I like to do is travelling. I have been to places like Belgium, France, Palau, Peru, the US, Canada, Korea, Japan, and Guam. I love experiencing and seeing new things and travelling gives me the opportunity to see what else is out there. I like trying the different types of food each country has to offer. For example Escargot from France which is snails and giant clams in Palau to even world class chocolate in Belgium. My favorite place I traveled to has to be France. The food was amazing and we got to see things like the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa, and the museum where the Mona Lisa is kept. My trip to Paris was a life changing experience and in the near future I hope to travel to new places and experience some new things.
Other than traveling and listening to Rap and Hip hop, I love to play sports and my favorite sport is basketball. My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant. I have played basketball since I was only 11 years old. I fell in love with the sport right away along with baseball, but i knew i liked basketball way more. My dad used to be one of the best players when he was in high school so that motivated me to become atleast close to what he was. I pushed myself everyday to reach my full potential. In 6th grade i joined my first real basketball team and in my first game i sucked. I realized i had to train harder so i did and started realizing that my hard work was finally paying off. Starting in 8th grade i went to Nike sponsered basketball camps in California. Every summer after that i was invited back so i just kept on going. I like playing basketball because it is a very intense, physical, and tiring sport. Now i play on 2 different teams and shoot around by myself wenever i do not have any homework or when i have spare time on the weekends or sometimes after school.
My favorite type of music is Rap and Hip Hop. Some of my favorite artist are Drake, Kid Ink, Chris Brown, Mike Posner and many more. I usually listen to music before a game, when I am studying, or when i write blogs. I love listening to music. I feel like i can get away from all the bad things in life and just forget it for a little bit when i listen to some music. Music also calms my nerves before a basketball or volleyball game, which is always necessary. Not only can it calm your mind and your nerves, music inspires me and gives me ideas for my blogs. I love Rap and Hip Hop, but i also listen to a lot of different music.
Another thing I like to do is travelling. I have been to places like Belgium, France, Palau, Peru, the US, Canada, Korea, Japan, and Guam. I love experiencing and seeing new things and travelling gives me the opportunity to see what else is out there. I like trying the different types of food each country has to offer. For example Escargot from France which is snails and giant clams in Palau to even world class chocolate in Belgium. My favorite place I traveled to has to be France. The food was amazing and we got to see things like the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa, and the museum where the Mona Lisa is kept. My trip to Paris was a life changing experience and in the near future I hope to travel to new places and experience some new things.
Other than traveling and listening to Rap and Hip hop, I love to play sports and my favorite sport is basketball. My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant. I have played basketball since I was only 11 years old. I fell in love with the sport right away along with baseball, but i knew i liked basketball way more. My dad used to be one of the best players when he was in high school so that motivated me to become atleast close to what he was. I pushed myself everyday to reach my full potential. In 6th grade i joined my first real basketball team and in my first game i sucked. I realized i had to train harder so i did and started realizing that my hard work was finally paying off. Starting in 8th grade i went to Nike sponsered basketball camps in California. Every summer after that i was invited back so i just kept on going. I like playing basketball because it is a very intense, physical, and tiring sport. Now i play on 2 different teams and shoot around by myself wenever i do not have any homework or when i have spare time on the weekends or sometimes after school.
kid ink,
kobe bryant,
Thursday, 8 August 2013
New Years Resolution (School Year 2013-2014)
My name is Chris Cepeda and I am 16 years old. I was born on Guam, but I was raised on Saipan which is also where I attend Saipan International School. Saipan is a tiny, beautiful island right by Guam. For the past 5 years my new years resolution for each school year was to either get straight A's or to not make all the teachers hate me, or to become a better basketball player. I finally achieved those goals so I decided this year that I wanted to do something different. I decided that my new years resolutions for the school year 2013-2014 is to go skydiving at least 10 times in Guam and to lose 15 pounds and gain 10 pounds of muscle.
Guam is known to be one of the best spots to skydive in. Fortunately for me and the rest of the people of Saipan, Guam is only a 45 minute plane ride away! Skydiving has always been at the top of my to do list. The only thing that stopped me from doing it was my mom and myself. I've always wanted to try it, its just I was too scared because I am really afraid of heights. Now that I am 16 maybe my mom will start trusting me, and maybe I can actually start trusting myself. Skydiving once is easy. Doing it 10 times is way scarier and way harder. The first 2 or 3 times would probably be nerve wrecking, but that's what I like. I like the rush I get from doing dangerous stuff, that is what I live for. I have always wanted to feel an adrenaline rush as intense as skydiving. I want to feel that air blowing in my face. I always wanted to see the world in a different point of view or a birds eye view. I was born on Guam and seeing the island from a birds eye view while skydiving would be absolutely amazing. When I grow old, I want to tell my 16 year old son that when I was his age, I skydived 10 times on to the island of Guam.
My second new years revolution for the school year 2013-2014 would be to lose 15 pounds and gain back 10 pounds of muscle. In elementary school I was always the fat kid. A few summers ago, I decided that I didn't want to be the fat kid anymore so I worked out everyday and I ended up losing over 20 pounds. I felt better then I have ever felt. I was more confident in my self, for once I actually felt good about who I was. Now I want to feel even more confident in myself. I want to be ripped and big. I'm not one who believes in lifting weights at such a young age. Instead of lifting weights, I would eat healthier, do push ups and sit ups and do certain sports that would help with my resolution. I want to get involved in mixed martial arts. I believe that is the best way to get in shape and to get ripped. I have always loved watching mixed martial arts, but once I tried it I fell in love with it. MMA is a combination of all types of martial arts such as boxing, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, karate, judo, etc. To get the body I am looking for I would have to do about 100 pushups throughout the day, do 100 sit ups through out the day, and train in mixed martial arts at least 4 times a week. It may sound like a lot, but I know in the end, it will all be worth it.
Guam is known to be one of the best spots to skydive in. Fortunately for me and the rest of the people of Saipan, Guam is only a 45 minute plane ride away! Skydiving has always been at the top of my to do list. The only thing that stopped me from doing it was my mom and myself. I've always wanted to try it, its just I was too scared because I am really afraid of heights. Now that I am 16 maybe my mom will start trusting me, and maybe I can actually start trusting myself. Skydiving once is easy. Doing it 10 times is way scarier and way harder. The first 2 or 3 times would probably be nerve wrecking, but that's what I like. I like the rush I get from doing dangerous stuff, that is what I live for. I have always wanted to feel an adrenaline rush as intense as skydiving. I want to feel that air blowing in my face. I always wanted to see the world in a different point of view or a birds eye view. I was born on Guam and seeing the island from a birds eye view while skydiving would be absolutely amazing. When I grow old, I want to tell my 16 year old son that when I was his age, I skydived 10 times on to the island of Guam.
My second new years revolution for the school year 2013-2014 would be to lose 15 pounds and gain back 10 pounds of muscle. In elementary school I was always the fat kid. A few summers ago, I decided that I didn't want to be the fat kid anymore so I worked out everyday and I ended up losing over 20 pounds. I felt better then I have ever felt. I was more confident in my self, for once I actually felt good about who I was. Now I want to feel even more confident in myself. I want to be ripped and big. I'm not one who believes in lifting weights at such a young age. Instead of lifting weights, I would eat healthier, do push ups and sit ups and do certain sports that would help with my resolution. I want to get involved in mixed martial arts. I believe that is the best way to get in shape and to get ripped. I have always loved watching mixed martial arts, but once I tried it I fell in love with it. MMA is a combination of all types of martial arts such as boxing, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, karate, judo, etc. To get the body I am looking for I would have to do about 100 pushups throughout the day, do 100 sit ups through out the day, and train in mixed martial arts at least 4 times a week. It may sound like a lot, but I know in the end, it will all be worth it.
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